PPA: Higher revenue and profits in H1 2024

2 ώρες πριν
ΝΕΑ ΤΩΡΑ Ναυτεμπορική

Piraeus Port Authority (PPA) showed an increase in revenues and profits in the first half of 2024, once again achieving the best historical performance for this period of time.

More specifically, the total revenues of the first half of 2024 amounted to 107.1 million euros compared to 102.4 million in the same period of 2023, up 4.7 million euros or 4.6%. This change is mainly due to the significant increase in the revenues of the car traffic sector by 59.9%, the cruise sector by 13.2%, as well as the container sector by 4.0%.

Pre-tax profits rose 7.3% to 53 million euros compared to 49.4 million euros in the corresponding period of 2023. After-tax profits amounted to 40.4 million euros compared to 38.7 million euros, showing a positive change of 4.4% compared to the corresponding half of 2023.

The President of PPA SA Mr. Lin Ji, expressed his satisfaction with the company’s higher revenues and profits in the first half of 2024: “The instability and special geopolitical conditions in the Middle East continue to exist. Our company and the port of Piraeus, as everything shows, managed not only not to be affected by this situation, but to continue its overall activity with upward performance and positive results, just as it has been doing continuously for a long time. This perfectly demonstrates the efficiency of its strategy, as well as the systematic work, which have ensured all the necessary elements for reliability and above all sustainability in the Port of Piraeus.”

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